Thursday, May 29, 2008

Need a Catheter? offers all types of catheters at very reasonable prices. For instance the Mentor Self-Cath family of latex-free catheters from Mentor offers patients a variety of options for intermittent self-catheterization. Each Mentor catheter is made with the highest quality standards dedicated to patient comfort and ease of use.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Incontinence? It won't happen to me!

What is Incontinence? Here are just some definitions: Inability to control the flow of urine from the bladder (urinary incontinence) or the escape of stool from the rectum (fecal incontinence); uncontrollable, involuntary leaking of urine; loss of bladder and/or bowel control. Want more, here you go: Inability of the body to control the evacuative functions.

A person may have urinary or fecal incontinence or both (sometimes called double incontinence.) It doesn’t matter if your young or old, it can happen to you. It’s very uncontrollable and can occur at anytime, anywhere. It almost sounds like a scary movie but it doesn’t have to be. If you begin to experience an overactive, out of control bladder, check at for incontinence supplies. With everything from Disposable Adult Briefs and Bedpads and Underpads, they’re bound to have everything you need at very reasonable price. Please check yourself at Incontinence Supplies

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

New Athletic Tapes on the Market

There was a lot of confusion recently on the athletic tapes market as the new Kinesio Athletic Tapes – Kinesio Tex Gold Athletic Tape and Kinesio Tex Platinum Athletic Tape series did not meet consumers expectations mainly due to numerous complains of skin irritation. The other recently introduced on the market product, Physio Athletic Tape did not meet the consumers’ expectations as well due to the same problem – causing skin irritation…
The very high price of both products - Kinesio Athletic Tape and Physio Athletic Tape is also a reason for the consumers’ frustration.
Another very popular product - Leukotape P Sports Adhesive Tape used also for patellofemoral taping, has been a market leader for many years. Leukotape P Sports Adhesive Tape has almost 80% market share mostly because of its great quality but its monopoly leaded to an extremely high price. The other small players as the Australian made Endura Adhesive Tape are just a little less expensive.
Recently company have introduced two new products:
The Athletic Tape Kindmax®, which is latex free, hypoallergenic and very friendly to the skin with no complains so far whatsoever. A big advantage of this product is the price as the Athletic Tape Kindmax® for the same quality costs 3 to 4 times less, then the fore mentioned Kinesio Athletic Tape and Physio Athletic Tape!
We strongly recommend Athletic Tape Kindmax®, which could be found HERE
The other new product just introduced by company is the Sports Adhesive Tape Kindrigid L® - a perfect alternative to Leukotape P Sports Adhesive Tape and Endura Adhesive Tape with matching quality for much, much lower price…
Sports Adhesive Tape Kindrigid L® is skin colored, body temperature responsive, super-rigid and super-adhesive recommended for knee, shoulder, ankle, finger and wrist taping.
Kindrigid L® Sports Adhesive Tape is also particularly effective to support joints under maximum stress and in the treatment of patellofemoral pain (knee pain).
We strongly recommend Sports Adhesive Tape Kindrigid L®, which could be found HERE
We would appreciate your feedback and/or comments on the above products.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Corn Dogs, Cheeseburgers, Custard and Other Diet Foods...

Here is what our good friend Nick Nilsson says about it.

"Just because the foods you want to eat are loaded with fat,
sugar and calories doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to
lose as much fat as you want while eating them!

In my years as a trainer, I've found that it's simply not fair that we should be limited and made to feel guilty about what what we eat by such horribly judgmental and negative-sounding terms like "junk food," "sugary snack," "quadruple bypass" or "colon cancer."
This is especially true since I've also found that a person can lose as much fat as they want eating foods that most "experts" (like doctors, physicians, cardiologists, podiatrists, dietitians and sometimes even nutritionists) would consider a heart attack on a plate. My theories will prove that these colon-stoppers can be instantly transformed into health foods!
In a previous article entitled "Pizza, French Fries, Beer and Other Diet Foods," I eloquently dispatched many of the myths commonly associated with so-called "junk foods." You can find a lot of articles about these here:
Educational References, Fitness, Exercise, Physical Education, Strength
In this installment, I delve even deeper into the theories that can take the greasiest pile of food and make it into fat-shredding diet fodder.

1. Eat foods that are so greasy that they are constantly slipping out of your hands or out of the back of the bread.
The simple act of picking your food up after it's slid out of your hands burns a tremendous amount of calories both in activity and in frustration. The greasier it is, the more often it'll slip and the more calories you'll burn. This especially true of greasy hamburgers that have 3 or more patties stacked one on top of another (1 or 2 patties is not enough to get the greatest results so be sure to get the largest hamburger available - and no lettuce or tomato...they'll just slow the meat down). When each bite slides half the sandwich out the back end, you know you've got prime diet food. Stuff it back in and feel the burn (from the hot grease, that is!).

2. Foods that are served on a stick are a good source of fiber
The humble corn dog is a prime example of a high fiber food because it's usually served on a wooden stick. In theory, the fiber found in the wood makes its way into the mush of the dog inside the corn, dramatically increasing the useful splinter, I mean, fiber content of the dog. Even a Fudgesicle, following this to its logical conclusion, is packed with fiber. Chewing on the stick when you're done is even MORE effective.

3. Do most of your grocery shopping in the "impulse buy" areas of the grocery store
These "impulse buy" areas are the racks by the register and the end-caps at the end of each aisle. Large grocery store chains have nothing but our best health in mind. They would NEVER put anything unhealthy for us on prominent display where we would be most likely to buy it. They simply don't think that way. Profit is secondary to good health, therefore all foods that are on end-caps and set by the register are there to ensure that we have the best access to the healthiest foods possible. That's why the fruits and vegetables are always tucked away against the wall in the back corner of the store. All those things do is fill you up and provide essential nutrients that can be better gotten as additives to low-carb chocolate puff cookies.

4. Our friend, the cheeseburger
The perfect diet food, the cheeseburger combines the slippage advantage that I mentioned above with the abundant calcium found in the cheese. Calcium has been shown to help increase fat loss, especially when served on white bread. The high fat content also helps keep you feeling full for long periods of time so you don't feel hungry (or "regular") for a long time after. When eaten at lunch, this saves precious calories that you might later in the day be tempted to throw away on fish or salad.

5. Whole grain kids cereals are a step in the wrong direction
No child has ever gotten fat from eating 6 bowls of Sugar Crisp with sugar scooped on top? I have yet to have somebody give me the gist of a study that says that sugary cereals will do anything but reduce attention span and cause diabetes and chronic hyperactivity. Whole grain kids cereal is just a tease.
Cap'n Crunch is crunchy. Vegetables are crunchy. I rest my case.

6. No-calorie custard is all in your mind
Custard rhymes with mustard. Mustard has no calories. When you eat custard, tell your body that you're eating mustard. The calories will simply evaporate.

7. Preservatives and antibiotics in food are good for you
I would be remiss if I overlooked the amazing anti-aging properties of a good nitrate-filled package of mystery lunch meat. Preservatives have been proven in several studies that I forget the names of to prolong life and increase health and prevent some other stuff. Heck, I wipe my counter with a handful of baloney - the antibiotics in the meat kill everything on it better than Lysol!

In conclusion, let me just finish by saying "don't believe a word I just said."